Happy Holidays!

25 Dec

I am not a Christian, but Christmas has become part and parcel of my holiday season for the last decade or so. There are lots of candies and cakes topped off with cheerful mood around and sober weather. So our family makes it a point to celebrate it!

We bought a small Christmas tree (from Walgreens, USD 14.99 minus 50% discount) that came with lot of ornaments about 7-8 years ago. Every year we loose some ornaments but the tree is still there, having traveled to India with us.

This year Spurthi’s wish list is very small, just candies and cookies. Surya didn’t even bother to write a list. Yesterday being a Sunday, I had to rush to a couple of shops to pickup some stuff for them.

This morning, having seen a gift under the tree, kids drank their chocolate milk in a hurry (shows up on Surya’s shirt with all those wet patches) and are all set to open the pack.

All Set!
Opening the bag!
What do we find there?
Wow! Power Rangers!
Power Rangers
Show them!
Here is what we got!
Show All
At the tree.
At the tree
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays