Book Fair

26 Dec

Spurthi, Surya and myself went to 23rd annual Hyderabad Book Fair on Wednesday (24th) evening. With a week and half in holidays ahead of them, we wanted to pick up a few books. We could find no great collection in the fair. All the stalls features more or less the same items we see in any of the book stores. However, searching through the used book collection was fun. Brought a few books and CDs during the evening. For snacks, we went to a Chaat place in the premises.

Overall, it is a good (yet not a very exciting) evening.By the way, the fair runs till 28th at Peoples’ Plaza, Necklace Road.

One thought on “Book Fair

  1. The book fair used to run in Nizam college grounds earlier and i remember my father taking me there every year, brings back some of the childhood days. Your blogs are great Raju, even though we have not spoken in months i do not feel i have missed out on anything as i read your blogs regularly 🙂


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