S.R.K.R Visit: Friday and Saturday

12 Sep

I visited S.R.K.R during my vacation trip to Bhimavaram. On Friday, I spent about 2 hours discussing the status of the semester, Master’s program logistics, proposed network connectivity from lab, Labwork augmentation with Sun/Opensource technologies and related topics. The lab admins have signed up for installing Solaris 10 on the HCL PCs later today and we planned for fixing any issues on Saturday. I also talked to Sri G. V. Padmaraju about the SDN Registration, Solaris RTUs, Sun Academic Initiative and other programs. There was a incomplete registration in the past and the college wanted to sign up for these programs and follow them up.

I went to the college next day. The Solaris installation was smooth, except for the xorg.conf creation issue. Used Belenix CD to create and populate a xorg.conf in /etc/X11/. That fixed the problem and the system started running fine. The system is connected to a router that is connected to external network and network access is verified.

I also spent some more time with the lab incharge on the user creation process, CD Creation process on Solaris, Packet Filtering and how to populate the ipf.conf for Solaris 10 etc. We also talked about a possible per-student zone creation for system administration learning. This would be taken up in upcoming semisters.

Spent some time with Sri G. V. Padmaraju on SAI signup, SDN registration for the Solaris RTUs and so on. We also discussed the possibility of using the zone creation infrastructure, open solaris source code and other technical details. The college is open to do an event sometime around December, best time for students and faculty from other colleges to participate.

The college is going to extend the lab hours starting this semester. The external network access may be provided primarily using Solaris 10 systems.

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