Opera Installed

20 Jul

Installed and tried Opera for the first time. Very impressive, for that size of a product! Saw that there is also a USB version of Opera, which can be run from a pen-drive’s spare space. Blinking favicons looks interesting, need to check out it more. Had some initial hiccups because each tab has its own close icon.

Now the question is, am I going to migrate to Opera from firefox? Not now!

This blog entry is being typed from a Opera browser client though!

A silly fix at the end

20 Jul

I use Thunderbird mail client on a Solaris laptop for connecting to a SMTP mail server. This morning, while playing with the network connections, had a strange issue where thunderbird can no longer fetch my mail. It doesn’t ask for password too, and can’t establish connections to send email. Looked like a dangling cache issue, but couldn’t find how to clean it up.

The Fallacies of Build Engineering

21 Jun

Thinking in lines of the fallacies of networking, I could quickly dump my thoughts and experiences of build engineering.

  1. Builds always complete on time, as planned.
  2. Build systems are easy to replicate.
  3. Build systems are very reliable and are up when I need them.
  4. File conflicts are easy to merge.
  5. Builds can be fully automated.
  6. Sanity testing of the build can be fully automated.
  7. When a build fails, I can always get hold of the engineer and get it fixed right away.
  8. Code is going to be platform independent, for ever.


Laptop is back, with Solaris 11 Build 41

20 Jun

Laptop is back after having the mother board changed. The Solaris 11 Build 41 on the harddisk remained untouched. So brought it back live and continuously stress testing it for the last 8 hours with lot of downloads, compilations and watching football live!

Now the laptop features frkit, wifi drivers, Open Office, inet menu and few other software in addition to barebone Solaris 11 build. Also installed Sun Studio 11.

Firefox And Themes

19 Jun

For the last couple of weeks, hooked on to trying new themes for Firefox. I personally liked the Noia 2.0 theme. Very impressive, yet relatively light weight! Works like a jem on my Solaris desktop/laptop!

Still remember the days when Mozilla/Netscape used to come up with only two themes, Modern and Classic. Considerable improvement from that stage!